Safeguarding Your
Tomorrow by
Investing in
Insurance Today

From life to health, home to travel — discover
peace of mind through our range of insurance plans


Primary Attributes of Being Insured


Insurance provider
chosen based on a
strong track record of
high claim ratio &
substantial assets.

Assisted insurance
execution journey. P.S-
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24*7 Claim

Don’t worry about renewal dates,
we track them for you

Life/Term Insurance

Ensure your loved ones' financial
security and leave a lasting legacy.

Health Insurance

Stay prepared for life's
uncertainties with our coverage
tailored just for you.

Motor Insurance

Stay Protected on Every Journey
with Motor Insurance.

Life Insurance

Make informed decisions that protect
your loved ones' well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is insurance?

Insurance is a contract between an individual or entity (the policyholder) and an insurance company, wherein the policyholder pays a premium in exchange for financial protection or reimbursement in the event of specified losses or events.

Why do I need insurance?

Insurance provides financial protection and peace of mind in case of unexpected events, such as accidents, illnesses, natural disasters, or property damage. It helps mitigate the financial impact of such events.

What are the different types of insurance?

There are various types of insurance, including:

Life Insurance: Provides a payout to beneficiaries in the event of the insured person's death.

Health Insurance: Covers medical expenses, treatments, and medications.

Auto Insurance: Protects against financial loss due to accidents or theft involving a vehicle.

Homeowners/Renters Insurance: Covers damage to property and personal belongings.

Travel Insurance: Offers coverage for trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and other travel-related incidents.

Property and Casualty Insurance: Covers liability and property damage for individuals and businesses.

Disability Insurance: Provides income replacement if the insured person becomes unable to work due to disability.

How do I choose the right insurance policy?

Consider factors like your individual needs, budget, and the level of coverage required. It's recommended to compare policies, understand exclusions, and consult with an insurance advisor for personalized advice.

What is a premium?

A premium is the amount of money paid to an insurance company in exchange for coverage. It is typically paid on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, or annually).

What is a deductible?

A deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. For example, in health insurance, if you have a RS 500 deductible and incur Rs 1,000 in medical expenses, you pay Rs 500, and the insurance company covers the remaining Rs 500.

How do insurance claims work?

To file a claim, contact your insurance company and provide details about the incident or loss. The company will review the claim and determine if it's covered by your policy. If approved, they will provide compensation according to the policy terms.

Can I have multiple insurance policies from different companies?

Yes, you can have multiple insurance policies from different companies to cover various aspects of your life. However, be sure to avoid over-insuring or duplicating coverage.

Can I change my insurance policy after purchasing it?

Yes, you can make changes to your insurance policy, such as adjusting coverage limits, adding or removing beneficiaries, or changing policy options. Contact your insurance company for guidance on how to make changes.

What factors affect the cost of insurance premiums?

The cost of premiums is influenced by factors like your age, health status, location, type of coverage, deductible amount, and any additional riders or add-ons you choose.

What is a policyholder and a beneficiary?

The policyholder is the person who owns the insurance policy and pays the premiums. The beneficiary is the person or entity designated to receive the benefits or payout in case of a covered event, such as the death of the insured (in life insurance).

How does the claims process work in case of an accident or loss?

In the event of a covered incident, contact your insurance company promptly to initiate the claims process. Provide necessary documentation and information, cooperate with any investigations, and follow any instructions provided by the insurer.

Do I get my money back after the insurance has expired?

No, in a vanilla term insurance policy, the insurance company pays the money to the nominee after the unfortunate death of the insured. However, there are policies in which the insured gets some money back after the expiry of the term period. A premium for such policies is usually higher than the standard term plan.

Is there any benefit of buying term insurance at an early age?

Yes, one of the major factors deciding the premium is the age of the insured. At a young age, the premium is lower. In term plans, the premium is fixed when buying the policy and usually remains unchanged.

How many types of terms plans available in India?
  1. Level Term Plans
  2. TROP
  3. Increasing Term Plan
  4. Decreasing Term Plan
  5. Convertible Term Plans
What is a Level Term Plan?

This is the most basic type of term plan, in which the premium and the sum assured remain fixed during the policy term, and the amount is payable to nominees after the death of the insured.

What is TROP?

TROP stands for Term Plan with Return of Premium. Under this plan, a certain sum is repaid to the insured if he/she survives the policy term. In this plan, the premium is higher than Level Term Plans.

What is Increasing Term Plan?

In this plan, the insured can get an increased sum insured every year for the same premium as fixed in the initial year. The premium of these plans is usually higher than the Level term Plans.

What is Decreasing Term Plan?

This plan is the opposite of the Increasing Term Plan. In this plan, some assured amount gets reduced every year. This plan is suitable for a person taking term insurance mainly to meet his unpaid liabilities like loans.

What is convertible term plan?

These plans can be converted into any other plan.

Can I take multiple term insurance simultaneously?

Yes, you can.

Who is eligible to take term insurance?

Any person between the age of 18 yrs to 65 years can buy term insurance.

Can I take loan against my term plan?

Generally, a loan facility is not available against term insurance.

I consume tobacco. Can I take term insurance?

Yes, a person consuming tobacco regularly can also take term insurance. However, the premium will be higher as compared to non-tobacco consuming people.

What are the different payout methods available under term insurance?

There are majorly three kinds of payout structure:

  1. Lum sum single payment.
  2. Some portion as a lump sum and balance in monthly/quarterly/ half-yearly/ yearly instalments.
  3. Entire some in monthly/quarterly/ half-yearly/ yearly instalments.
Is suicide covered under term insurance?


Can I pay my premium in instalments?

Yes. Besides the yearly payment option, premium can be paid in monthly/quarterly/half-yearly instalments.

In case of accidental death, will the nominee be able to receive the sum assured even if no accidental death rider is taken?


How important is the information provided in the application/proposer form?

Proposer/Application form is an essential document. It forms a basis for underwriting your policy and premium offering. Any false information in the proposer form may lead to denial of a claim.

What documents are generally required to be submitted in case of death of the life assured while the policy is in force?

The basic documents that are generally required are:

  1. Death certificate
  2. Claim form
  3. Policy bond

Other optional documents such as medical attendant's certificate, hospital certificate, employer's certificate, police inquest report, post mortem report etc., may also be required. The claim requirements are usually disclosed in the policy bond.